Friday 26 August 2011

The HANDSHAKE Collection

Featuring with over 20 worldwide famous street and hi-end fashion brands while each of them are all leading forerunner in their own sector, CLOT proudly presents our F/W 2011 – The Handshake collection! Following up of CLOT’s previous collaborated projects; it is easily to predict how the wonder could have made for this time. Produced in association with brands that are, impressively dominant in making of almost any item you can name of. Highlight is the little trick by launching products one by one and time from time for non-stop surprises throughout the upcoming fall and winter.

每個成功的品牌,都有過人之處。那如果將超過 20 個在不同領域都獨當一面的知名單位,以一個名字把全部舉足輕重的特質串起來呢?說的正是今年我們劇力萬鈞呈獻的最矚目秋冬系列 Handshake承接著  CLOT  聯名企劃不勝枚舉的成功例子,這次「握手」的勢頭注定銳不可擋! Handshake 系列找來了超過 20 個領導著全球潮流的牌子,和不同的品牌聯手打造系列中的每一件單品。產品種類從指定的衣、褲、鞋和其它各種你能想到的配件小物等等,都一應俱備。 8 26 日起,系列將不事先張揚地接二連三遂件推出,讓驚喜一浪接一浪地充斥整個深秋和隆冬 

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