Friday 3 February 2012

CLOT Handshake x Alienegra x KAWS Dissected Erga Parka

Handshake Collection XVI
CLOT x Alienegra x Kaws Dissected Egra Parka
(HONG KONG, FEB 2012) Since the debut of the HANDSHAKE series in 2011, CLOT has been collaborating with brands around the globe producing some interesting and unique products, which receive great responses. 2012 February will see the 16th HANDSHAKE collaboration: The CLOT x Alienegra x Kaws Dissected Egra Parka.

The Reborn of Classic Alienegra Camo Prints
Among the various CLOT classic, Madsaki’s Alienegra is one of the best with its reflective version being a collector item. The 2011 December Mono-Tone Camo receives the same great responses just like every new version released.

Luminous CLOT x Alienegra x Kaws Dissected Egra Parka
CLOT x Alienegra x Kaws collaboration bring us back to the Egra Parka in March 2011 which saw KAWS iconic XX design being incorporated with 3M Reflective material. The new Dissected Egra Parka brings us more surprise with its clever addition of luminous color while keeping the original details.

The genius of this release are best viewed in the dark as the details of the Camo and KAWS XX prints are bought to life, leaving us all astonished with its clever combination of creativity and various medium incorporated into one fine product.

CLOT x Alienegra x Kaws Disected Egra Parka will be release on 10th February so do not snooze on it !

Release Date : 10th Feb 2012
Price : $3,580 HKD

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(香港,20122)CLOT 2011年展開的 Handshake 系列,與世界各地不同的品牌單位合作,將各品牌單位獨特的創意和設計與 CLOT 的精神融合。Handshake系列推出至今,每回合作均成為業界話題之作,每個產品都極受注目並搶購一空。來到20122月,CLOT 第十五回的 Handshake 產品 CLOT x Alienegra x Kaws Dissected Egra Parka 即將推出。

永恆經典再現- Alienegra 荊棘圖騰迷彩
CLOT 在多年來推出過無數的經典產品,當中由 Madsaki CLOT 所設計的 Alienegra荊棘圖騰迷彩絕對是經典,特別是其擁有反光料物的荊棘版本,早已成為收藏品;CLOT 隨後推出新版本時更例必引發搶購熱潮,通宵排隊輪購的人潮甚是誇張和壯觀。早前於201112月,於 Handshake 系列裡亦推出過Mono-Tone Camo的版本,同樣地是搶購一空。

螢螢色色 CLOT x Alienegra x Kaws Dissected Egra Parka
其實 CLOT x Alienegra x Kaws 這三個單位的合作已非首次,早在20113月便曾推出 Egra Parka,在荊棘圖騰當中混入了 Kaws 的招牌 XX”圖案,並加入3M 反光物料,令一眾粉絲們帶來驚喜。今回,三個單位改為在 Handshake 系列中推出全新的 CLOT x Alienegra x Kaws Disected Egra Parka,保留了外套上各種細節像仿皮肘部補丁等,但是在色彩物料應用上為大家帶來更大的驚喜。

首先,黑色的外套上印滿了銀色荊棘圖騰迷彩,今次融入在荊棘當中的是彩色反光“XX”圖案,而彩色的反光效果便足以令人讚嘆。然而今次CLOTMadsaki Kaws 認為這樣還不足夠,於是首次將螢光物料加入,從而使荊棘、“XX”圖案擁有螢光效果,在吸收足夠光線後,荊棘和彩色“XX”圖案便能在黑暗的地方中發光,看到後必定到華麗耀目。

CLOT x Alienegra x Kaws Disected Egra Parka 將於210日正式推出!萬勿錯過!

發售日期 : 2012210
售價 : 3580港元

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電話 +852 2881 0173

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電話 +86 21 3308 0888

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電話 +603 2283 5811

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