Sunday, 30 October 2011

Alienegra Double-layer Mesh Parka & Shorts

 In this October, CLOT presents the long-awaited launch of our latest Alienegra collection with most unprecedented features. The print has always been an iconic characteristic mark of CLOT, which stands true for innovating originality of the brand itself. Following by all hits since the birth of it, we introduce another distinctive design of double layering mesh series to the collection.  2 pieces to fit in all occasions, the uncanny new look brings in pleasant surprises.   

Alienegra Double-layer Mesh Parka & Shorts
A piece of doomed in the limelight item, available to purchase separately or in a set, for yet another memorable Alienegra launch.  The significant patterns show through when the special made mesh layer overlays, and gives a great expansion on the depth of the print. Quality guaranteed as always and equipped with custom made packaging with the same material of the product. Having had much success with the Alienegra series of apparel, this double laying Alienegra series will be gone quickly, so make sure you drop by JUICE Hong Kong on to pick one up.

JUICE HK : 9-11 Cleveland Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Telephone : +852 2881 0173
JUICE SH :  No. 832 Ju Lu Road, Shanghai, PRC China 200040
Telephone : +86 21 3308 0888
JUICE TW No. 38, Dun Hwa South Road, Section 1, Alley 161.Taipei, TW
Telephone        +8862-2275 3227
JUICE KL : Lot no. 46 & 46-1 Jalan Telawi 5, Bangsar Baru, 59100 Kuala Lumpur Telephone :  +03 2283 5811
Online Store    :
Retail Price:  
Alienegra Double-layer Mesh Parka - 2180HK$
Alienegra Double-layer Mesh Shorts - 980HK$

Alienegra  荊棘圖案 一直在CLOT 眾多代表作中擔當極為重要的一角,多年來它象徵著品牌的原創精神與堅持之外,也見證了品牌的成功。自誕生以來,每次的出陳都勢必引起全城轟動,備受各界追捧。今年十月,CLOT 再下一城,推出令人引頸以待多時的全新 Alienegra Double-layer 系列。款發表的單品為早以膾炙多荊棘神話帶來嶄然一新的面貌和驚喜
Alienegra Double-layer Mesh Parka & Shorts
Alienegra Double-layer Mesh Parka & Shorts 是絕對命中注定將要成為全城焦點。經典的圖案在兩層網狀布料的拼合下,完整呈現出被進一步延伸的視覺深度,立體感躍然而現。一如既往的品質和品味保證,兩款單品 Parka Shorts 可分開或一套購買,配以產品相同物料度身裁造的獨特包裝,單單是創作的心思已足以值回票價,追求完美品質和精巧設計的你實在沒有理由錯過。

JUICE HK :香港銅鑼灣加寧街9 -11號名店坊地下A
電話 +852 2881 0173

JUICE TAIPEI 台北市敦化南路一段16138
電話 +8862 2751 3227

JUICE SHANGHAI :中國上海市靜安區巨鹿路832
電話 +86 21 3308 0888

JUICE Kuala Lumpur Lot no. 46 &46-1, Janlan Telawi 5 Bangsar Baru, 59100, Kuala Lumpur
電話 +03 2283 5811

 Online Store    :


Alienegra Double-layer Mesh Parka - 2180HK$
Alienegra Double-layer Mesh Shorts - 980HK$


Thursday, 27 October 2011

CLOT x Deluxe Roll-up Chino Pants

CLOT teams up with the Japan Label Deluxe again for an exclusive piece at JUICE HK only – the CLOT x Deluxe Roll-up Chino Pants.

Adapted with the exquisite tailor skill of Deluxe and the insight of street fad of CLOT, this pair is an all-in-one pick that blended chic, quality and taste perfectly together!

Comes into 2 colours, Beige and Grey. Now available at JUICE HK only   

Retail Price: 1780HK$

CLOT 再次與日本品牌 Deluxe 聯手推出別注企劃。以 Deluxe 精工與創意之名,結合大膽求新的 CLOT,成就 CLOT x Deluxe Roll-up Chino Pants

集時尚、優質及品味於一身, 米和灰兩種色系,將既優雅又實用的獨特氣質以不同的面貌完美呈現。今個十月,只於 JUICE HK 限量發售!

售價: 1780HK$ 


Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Kitsune x CLOT Pop-up Store & Launch Party

Opening the season with a new flair, CLOT announces its first ever collaboration with Parisian fashion label Kitsune. Bridging CLOT's signature street style with a more contemporary menswear approach from Kitsune, this new capsule marks a more sophisticated offering than CLOT's usual, street-centric designs. Taking inspiration from the styles of the 1960s and 1970s, cut-and-sew garments are outfitted in vibrant blue and pink hues with vintage detailing and modern cuts.

Key items from the line include a tonal blue Army Jacket with subtle cream details and two multi-colored selections, including a Dress Shirt and Oxford Shirt, each highlighted by the use of color blocking throughout. Complimenting the garments will be a pair of vintage style sunglasses developed by both parties, which match the entire aesthetic of this exciting collection.

In celebration of this historic occasion, CLOT launched a special pop-up shop at JUICE from October 6, running through November 5, 2011. The store carries a vintage theme inspired by the 50s. In addition, the party at Fly Club has successfully  launched on the opening night. Kitsune designers Masaya Kuroki and Gildas Loaec, CLOT founders, Kevin Poon and Edison Chen, celebrities and local singers such as Tricia Chen, Chef, MC Yan, Sam Lee, etc. was all in attendance, with Gildas guest DJ'ing on the ones and twos.

法國品牌 Kitsune 2002 成立,兩位創立人Gildas Loaec Masaya 多年來穿梭在音樂和時裝界工作,於業界享負盛名,Gildas 更曾與世界知名電子組合 Daft Punk 合作。基於二人一直對時裝的狂熱,Kitsune一直以音樂作為品牌的設計概念。憑著曾為無數音樂單位擔任幕後、發行音樂和舉行派對等多元豐富的經驗,Kitsune手到拿來地將音樂元素以時裝作媒界呈現;簡約獨特的風格渾然天成,把各種抽象的音樂精神徹底視覺化。

由潮流逹人Kevin Poon(潘世亨)Edison Chen(陳冠希)所創立之時裝品牌CLOT,以擅於融合街頭文化與時裝著稱,為潮流產品注入鮮明時尚的中國風更是拿手好戲。CLOT自創立以來與世界各地罛多的知名品牌合作,除了時裝外也包括各藝術家及單位。熱愛音樂的 Edison 更不時以品牌名義替不同音樂人推出專輯和相關服飾,雙管齊下地推動香港的音樂與潮流文化。

Kitsune2011秋冬季以60年代美國西部服裝作為設計主軸CLOT x Kitsune系列也是在相同概念下衍生,並且更著重於成熟得體的大人風格。系列中的短身軍用外套、直紋拼布恤衫、牛津紡拼布恤衫和斜布長褲等優閑舒適的服裝以簡約大方的設計為主,採用優質的物料配合60年代的剪裁和細節。當中拼布裇衫運用了常見於60年代的色系粉藍和粉紅。不論搭襯在寶藍軍外套還是只配在米白或卡其色的斜布褲上,都能輕鬆自然地穿出美式復古大人風格。

隆重其事 CLOT x Kitsune 歷史性的聯手, JUICE店內重新裝璜,搖身變為60年代的美式時裝店。古舊而罕有的木製傢俱、民族地毯、珍貴油畫等,配合油黃的鎢絲燈泡和優雅的鄉謠, 令人彷如置身時光隧道回到過去。

CLOT x Kitsune 誕生音樂派對
2011106日,Kitsune團隊臨香港,聯同CLOT合辦盛大的音樂派對,以茲慶祝合作系列的誕生!是夜除了Kitsune團隊外,CLOT主腦潘世亨、陳冠希先生,還有歌手義人李璨琛、陳見飛、廚房仔和 MC仁等等CLOTKitsune不約而同地藉著當晚的派對,音樂感染在場每個人使人親身感受到時裝和音樂的不可或分的連繫,繼而將音樂X時裝的概念推陳及廣。當晚派對簡直是法國與香港音樂文代萃的大融爐!風格各異的多種電子音樂全晚不停播放,叫在場每個人都能全情投入、盡興而歸。


Monday, 3 October 2011

CLOT x Alienegra

CLOT develops a new series of T-shirts featuring the work of world-renowned artist Madsaki. Surely not the first time both brands align, this latest release features a three-dimensional take on CLOT's signature Alienegra print, made popular in the past as an all-over design. In addition, Madsaki lends a hand when it comes to providing outstanding graphics on each of these new releases.

Offered in six different variations, the CLOT x Madsaki Alienegra Face T-Shirts come in a variety of color options, each featuring an intricate design on the front and original font branding on the upper backside. Quite possibly the most awesome characteristic of these new tees are the 3D features, adding unique feeling and dimension depending on the angle from which they are viewed!

The Face Tees 02 - 05 feature singular colors, then to make things a bit more interesting, CLOT fuses all of these single designs to form a merged version of all the prints, hence creating an extended edition of the Alienegra motif!

 Each of the shirts retails for HK $680 with availability through JUICE retail stores.

就在大家都以為在 Double-layer 系列以後,COLT Alienegra 的聯名大概短時間內都再不會有甚麼大驚喜之際,Masadki 帶領著眾人回歸最原始的步調。Handshake 全新推出的 Alienegra Face Tee 01-06,以最基本,也是 Masadki 最擅長的點、線、面構圖,以超現實的角度切入一再令人瘋狂的荊棘系列。

Face Tee 01
Alienegra 荊棘圖騰的原始面貌,以簡單俐落的線條,延伸複雜的空間感;每一個小細節的添減,都直接影響觀感,也只有大師級的觸手才能營造出如此恰如其份的效果。
Face Tee 02 - 05
同樣地以明晰清簡的線條勾勒出躍然的圖案,每款 Tee 以幾何線條來改視覺上的空間感,彰顯荊棘圖騰的無限可塑性。每件款式附以兩種色系,為的是該系列的終極結合。
Face Tee 06
Alienegra Face Tee 06 02-05 圖樣結合,豐富了荊棘圖騰本已立體的層次;更引人入勝的是其多角度及多種可能性的面貌,藉著層層的重疊,進一步拉出更多方位的視覺深度和距離感。

回歸自我的同時,也創造出了另一面甚至更多面的可能性,這正是 Alienegra Face Tee 所要為荊棘系列延伸的意義,也是 Handshake 的創作宗旨和 CLOT 一直以來引以為傲的品牌精神。