A piece of mind-blowing accessory is not just about style but function too. For those who stuff bills and bank notes in your pocket and get crumpled receipts and bills while they fall out on the ground all the time, an over-sized bulky wallet is not necessarily the only choice. Here’s a terrific idea that offers a chic and sleek option, as CLOT is about to present you our first even made C.R.E.A.M money clip.
This metal piece is neatly crafted and possess of simple, clean design to save pocket space and keep your bills easy to access plus safe from loss or theft. Bills and credit cards are now securely wedged in between 2 pieces of metals that keep all you belongings right in place. CLOT C.R.E.A.M Money Clip comes in 2-colour ways red and black with molding C.R.E.A.M that initials the humorous phrase“ Cash Rules Everything Around Me”.
HK$ 350
JUICE HK : 9-11 Cleveland Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Telephone : +852 2881 0173
JUICE SH : No. 832 Ju Lu Road, Shanghai, PRC China 200040
Telephone : +86 21 3308 0888
Telephone : +86 21 3308 0888
JUICE TW :No. 38, Dun Hwa South Road, Section 1, Alley 161.Taipei, TW
Telephone :+8862-2275 3227
JUICE KL : Lot no. 46 & 46-1 Jalan Telawi 5, Bangsar Baru, 59100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone : +03 2283 5811
Online Store : www.clotinc.com
如果你總是習慣把銀根票據和找換的鈔票一股腦塞在口袋裡;如果你總是在付賬的時候手忙腳亂;如果你總是翻出一團又一團皺皺巴巴的單據;如果你總是把口袋裡的零零碎碎散落一地... 除了一個大號又笨重的皮夾外, CLOT 為你準備了一個別緻另類的選擇 ﹣C.R.E.A.M 錢夾!這次破天荒推出的驚喜小物本著時尚與功能性兼備的最基本條件,再次成功打造出一件完整經典又令人趨之若鶩的潮流單品。 CLOT C.R.E.A.M 錢夾擁有簡單俐落的設計;分別以搶眼的黑、紅色作主調,兩片單色的金屬片組成彈性極高的容量, 可透過特製橡皮自行調節。
節省空間之餘,也可容納大量票據和信用卡等。從此以後,你可以從容井然地整理隨身現金、信用卡和有關銀根等等。錢夾刻上縮寫 C.R.E.A.M,其實是 “ Cash Rules Everything Around Me” -「錢掌管我以外的一切」,這幽「金錢萬能」一默的相關語。
港幣 350元
JUICE HK :香港銅鑼灣加寧街9 -11號名店坊地下A舖
電話 :+852 2881 0173
JUICE TAIPEI :台北市敦化南路一段161巷38號
電話 :+8862 2751 3227
JUICE SHANGHAI :中國上海市靜安區巨鹿路832號
電話 :+86 21 3308 0888
JUICE Kuala Lumpur :Lot no. 46 &46-1, Janlan Telawi 5 Bangsar Baru, 59100, Kuala Lumpur
電話 :+03 2283 5811
Online Store : www.clotinc.com