Friday 23 September 2011

CLOT C.R.E.A.M Money Clip

A piece of mind-blowing accessory is not just about style but function too. For those who stuff bills and bank notes in your pocket and get crumpled receipts and bills while they fall out on the ground all the time, an over-sized bulky wallet is not necessarily the only choice. Here’s a terrific idea that offers a chic and sleek option, as CLOT is about to present you our first even made C.R.E.A.M money clip. 


This metal piece is neatly crafted and possess of simple, clean design to save pocket space and keep your bills easy to access plus safe from loss or theft. Bills and credit cards are now securely wedged in between 2 pieces of metals that keep all you belongings right in place. CLOT C.R.E.A.M Money Clip comes in 2-colour ways red and black with molding C.R.E.A.M that initials the humorous phrase“ Cash Rules Everything Around Me”
HK$ 350

JUICE HK : 9-11 Cleveland Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 
Telephone : +852 2881 0173

JUICE SH :   No. 832 Ju Lu Road, Shanghai, PRC China 200040
Telephone : +86 21 3308 0888

JUICE TW No. 38, Dun Hwa South Road, Section 1, Alley 161.Taipei, TW
Telephone        +8862-2275 3227

JUICE KL : Lot no. 46 & 46-1 Jalan Telawi 5, Bangsar Baru, 59100 Kuala Lumpur  
Telephone :  +03 2283 5811

 Online Store    :

如果你總是習慣把銀根票據和找換的鈔票一股腦塞在口袋裡;如果你總是在付賬的時候手忙腳亂;如果你總是翻出一團又一團皺皺巴巴的據;如果你總是把口袋裡的零零碎碎散落一地... 除了一個大號又笨重的皮夾外, CLOT 為你準備了一個別緻另類的選擇 C.R.E.A.M 錢夾!這次破天荒推出的驚喜小物本著時尚與功能性兼備的最基本條件,再次成功打造出一件完整經典又令人趨之若鶩的潮流單品。 CLOT C.R.E.A.M 錢夾簡單俐落的設計;分別以搶眼的黑、紅色作主調,兩片單色的金屬片組成彈性極高的容量, 可透過特製橡皮自行調節。

省空之餘,也可容納大量和信用卡等。從此以後,你可以從容井然地整理隨身現金、信用卡和有關銀根等等。錢夾刻上縮寫 C.R.E.A.M,其實是 “ Cash Rules Everything Around Me” -「錢掌管我以外的一切」這幽「金錢萬能」一默的相關語。

港幣 350 
JUICE HK :香港銅鑼灣加寧街9 -11號名店坊地下A
電話 +852 2881 0173

JUICE TAIPEI 台北市敦化南路一段16138
電話 +8862 2751 3227

JUICE SHANGHAI :中國上海市靜安區巨鹿路832
電話 +86 21 3308 0888

JUICE Kuala Lumpur Lot no. 46 &46-1, Janlan Telawi 5 Bangsar Baru, 59100, Kuala Lumpur
電話 +03 2283 5811

 Online Store    :

Wednesday 14 September 2011

CLOT x Herschel

Herschel released its first launch to great acclaim at JUICE early this year. This September, coincides with the back to school season, Handshake presents our CLOT x Herschel Backpacks series just right about time! The collaboration has strongly focus on quality and practical functions, designs of thoughtful inner partitions allows you to arrange belongings efficiently by categories, and with mezzanine layers for laptop and extra files/documents. Remains of Herschel’s classic silhouette of vintage look and on the other hand spice up with CLOT’s silk pattern as a subtle touch up inside the bag. Handshake CLOT x Herschel Back To School Series comes in 3 colours and 4 styles inside out included – Black (Inner red silk pattern), Red (Inner black silk pattern) and Gold (Inner red/white silk pattern). The vast capabilities can definitely grant you the best satisfaction for practical needs as well as the fad desires.    

Launch date: Sep 16
Colorway: Black & Red

Launch Date: Sep 23
Colorway: Gold/ Silver; Gold/ Red

Herschel 自年頭於 JUICE 推出以來,一直深受大眾支持與喜愛。趁著九月這個開學的季節,Handshake 誠意獻上 CLOT x Herschel 回到校園背包系列!這次的聯名企劃將著眼點落在質料和功能之上。內層間隔設計貼心地照顧到用家各種不同的需要,讓你可以分門別類地址將隨身物如書本、文具等收拾得井井有條;專門放置手提電腦的內夾層除了防震外,同時也提供了額外的收納空間。 CLOT x Herschel 回到校園背包系列保留了品牌簡約復古的外形和洗錬實用的功能性,同時又巧妙地以低調的處理手法加入了 CLOT silk pattern 作為背包裡層的細節設計。三種搶眼色系混搭成為共四款從裡到外俱經典時尚的式樣,包括: 黑系 (內混紅系 silk pattern), 紅系 (內混黑系 silk pattern) and 金系(內混紅/白系 silk pattern) CLOT x Herschel 回到校園背包系列既時尚又實用,絕對可以滿足用家同時對品味及功能的追求。



Wednesday 7 September 2011

CLOT x Devilock

Following up Handshake’s previous release of collaborate sneaker and room spray with Converse and Kuumba, CLOT announce the second launch of the collection produced in association with Devilock, an original Japanese label started from Ebisu, Tokyo in 1996. Coincidentally, CLOT has just ran into the last collaborate project right on time with the brand for it is actually the final collection of Devilock this time as well. For such significant team-up project, both brands have amazingly blended the art of street fashion and the spirit of music, such as Punk, Rock n’ Roll perfectly to present you this irresistible Devilclot series.

Devilclot Tees
The designed tee prints were inspired by Illuminati graphics back from the sixteenth century. By then, it was an underground devil worship community and members identify each other by the emblems, as same as how underground and indie bands develop their identity through music.  Even though it was a demon worship community, but the spirit of dare to be different echoes with the fortitude of CLOT’s innovative originality as well as Devilock’s.

Devilclot Denim (Silver/Red)
Like denim designs that a unique washed effect to the jeans, accented with the CLOT DYNASTY line’s signature pocket embroidery. Along with the torn and frayed marks on the jeans that placed with distinctive style in 2 highlighting colours in silver and red. More fascinating details such as featured D-ring key loop, studded loop detailing and CLOT silk pattern print lining that can be rolled up for that maximum Devilclot look! Releasing on 16th and 30th of September separately, something you cannot miss this year. 

繼先後推出了 CLOT x Kuumba CLOT x Converse 後, Handshake 系列的聯名企劃第二波鉅作,請到來自日本原創獨立品牌 Devilock Devilock 即將於今季秋冬後畫上句點,而 CLOT 適值其時,碰上這歷史性的一刻,於是兩個單位聯手打造這一次終極合作。 Devilock 一向擅於把音樂精神,如 Punk Rock n’ Roll 等概念化,加上 CLOT 的獨到時尚觸覺和創意,兩子合作的 Devilclot 儼若一趟街頭時裝與音樂文化的神遊之旅。

Devilclot Tees
Tee 的設計靈感來自十六世紀之異端教派 Illuminati 的徽章和圖像。當時這些教派均屬於地下組織,以這些特有的徽號來識別教友;正如地下樂隊以音樂作為身份的地位和認可等同出一徹的道理。Devil 正是魔鬼的意思,以崇拜魔鬼的異教徽像作為設計元素,標誌性地呼應了自我認同和忠於自我的堅持,同時也是 Devilclot 的精神象徵。

Devilclot Denim (Silver/Red)
Devilclot  CLOT DYNASTY 打造,除了後褲袋上的標誌刺繡外,D-ring 鑰匙掛環與鑲嵌處理,以及可以捲起褲管露出內裡 CLOT DYNASTY Silk pattern 細節更進一步地彰顯每一件牛仔褲的考究設計。不得不提的還有牛仔褲的破爛和損壞效果,當然 Illuminati 的徽章和一如以往的獨特洗水效果。 Devilclot Denim 有兩個色系以供選擇,分別將於91630號推出, 萬勿錯過!