Monday 12 December 2011

CLOT Leather Bomber Jacket

Here again, CLOT swept away the frosty winter chill with great creation by bringing you this exquisite piece under such low temperature. In order to keep you warm and chic this winter, CLOT Leather Bomber Jacket equipped not just the fascinating look, but as well as the excellent workmanship. This exclusive piece made by the finest sheepskin for extra softness and protection from abrasion and strong winds. With innovative experiment on mix & match materials, pocket zipper on the left chest has applied waterproof zipper as windbreaker usually does for a new attempt to differentiate from traditional leather jackets. CLOT’s significant silk patter as the sewed inner layer emphasis the brand’s original characteristic while rib knit at the collar, cuff and hem gives a classic silhouette as newly designed elements echoes the owner’s fine taste and sense in fashion at the same time. Come into basic colour ways of black & brown, this faultless pick for either formal or casual seasonal occasions this winter is available at JUICE now!  Retail price: 4580HK$ 


Shop list
JUICE HK : 9-11 Cleveland Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Telephone : +852 2881 0173

JUICE SH :  No. 832 Ju Lu Road, Shanghai, PRC China 200040
Telephone : +86 21 3308 0888

JUICE TW : No. 38, Dun Hwa South Road, Section 1, Alley 161.Taipei, TW
Telephone : +8862-2275 3227

Online store:
寒風颯颯的陰冷嚴冬,叫人連挻直腰杆也都乏力。CLOT適時推出年度重量級單品,皮革空軍夾克,勢要把寒氣一掃而空,帶來無限的創意和暖意。以經典空軍皮夾克作藍本,時尚的外型之外,更值得留意的是精良的工藝和用心的設計。有別於一般皮夾克的厚重,這匠心獨運的外套以羊皮製造,在抵禦凜冽寒風的同時也著重材質的柔軟和輕巧,確保穿上後的舒適和靈活度。另一方面,CLOT不甘墨守成規的精神再一次體現於物料上的大膽運用。胸口上對稱的雙拉鏈用上了兩種截然不同不同的材質作對比;右邊傳統的金屬和左邊慣用 Windbreaker 上的防水拉鏈,兩者的結合,締造出驚喜的和諧效果。CLOT招牌Silk pattern低調地裁縫作為內裡細節,以彰顯品牌不喧嘩的獨特性。夾克採用百搭的黑及深咖啡色系,皮紋深淺有致;加上於衣領、袖口和下擺的針織縫邊也隱隱地締造出復古的剪裁和皮夾克蘊含的經典個性與品味。不論是正式或隨性的場合,這件時尚實用的皮夾克都是不二之選。CLOT皮革空軍夾克,現已於JUICE 開售。 售價:4580HK$


JUICE HK :香港銅鑼灣加寧街9 -11號名店坊地下A
電話 +852 2881 0173

JUICE TAIPEI 台北市敦化南路一段16138
電話 +8862 2751 3227

JUICE SHANGHAI :中國上海市靜安區巨鹿路832
電話 +86 21 3308 0888

 Online Store    :

CLOT DYNASTY Weatern Shirt

Adopting the iconic cowboy silhouette, CLOT, together with its denim label, Dynasty, develops a new western shirt as part of its ongoing denim series. Carrying a theme that shares traditional elements with a new age approach, the CLOT Dynasty Western Shirt features a vibrant color scheme that echoes CLOT's colorful spirit.

Utilizing various selective fabrics, the CLOT Dynasty Western Shirt sports a bright green base, which comes accented with black, white and red striped detailing, much like customary flannel designs. Adding to the uniqueness of the project is familiar light denim paneling, placed along the yoke, as well as the double snap front pockets. Tapping a motif seen on past denim releases, CLOT adds triple layer paisley stripe accents to the back of the garment, producing an unorthodox technique not usually found on classic western styles. Finishing off this fantastic silhouette are off-white pearl buttons and a multi-color Dynasty patch.

Shop list

JUICE HK : 9-11 Cleveland Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Telephone : +852 2881 0173

JUICE SH :  No. 832 Ju Lu Road, Shanghai, PRC China 200040
Telephone : +86 21 3308 0888

JUICE TW : No. 38, Dun Hwa South Road, Section 1, Alley 161.Taipei, TW
Telephone : +8862-2275 3227

JUICE KL : Lot no. 46 & 46-1 Jalan Telawi 5, Bangsar Baru, 59100 Kuala Lumpur Telephone :  +03 2283 5811

Online Store:  
Retail Price: 1870HK$

CLOT自家丹寧系列DYNAST,以經典西部牛仔恤為藍本,配上創意色彩圖案運用,帶出豐富層次。DYNASTY大膽於鮮艷的綠色加上典型西部牛仔剪裁和條紋, 低調之中隱隱滲出源源新意。 除了設計上的用心,上乘質料及造工的精細亦絕對不容忽視。以各種不同布料拼湊出意想不到的和諧時尚感, 在傳統元素中發掘新驚喜之餘也取得平衡。CLOT再一次以精湛技術和快人一步的觸覺帶領潮流,DYNASTY 的誕生,讓我們有多一個平台,更專注地展現和發展不一樣的產品。 丹寧系列並非只有牛仔褲可供發揮,繼一連串與 Disney Handshake 聯名系列的小試牛刀後, CLOT DYNASTY西部牛仔恤肯定是另一力作, 同樣不甘墨守成規的你絕對不容錯過!即日起於JUICE 全線開售!

JUICE HK :香港銅鑼灣加寧街9 -11號名店坊地下A
電話 +852 2881 0173

JUICE TAIPEI 台北市敦化南路一段16138
電話 +8862 2751 3227

JUICE SHANGHAI :中國上海市靜安區巨鹿路832
電話 +86 21 3308 0888

JUICE Kuala Lumpur Lot no. 46 &46-1, Janlan Telawi 5 Bangsar Baru, 59100, Kuala Lumpur
電話 +03 2283 5811

Online Store    :

售價: 1870HK$

Tuesday 6 December 2011

CLOT Christmas Presentgrams Booth @ JUICE

JUICE rings in the holidays with the opening of this year's Presentgrams Christmas Booth, taking place from December 9 until December 31, 2011 at JUICE HK. Stocked with a fine assortment of product, produced specifically for this three-week long event, JUICE HK will be transformed into a winter wonderland for all to enjoy! A small gift that conveys great affection! Taking the concept of "secret santa" one step further, the Presentgrams Christmas Booth serves as a chance for shoppers to surprise their loved ones with extraordinary selected mini-gifts, including the likes of special CLOT playing cards, A set of Alienegra key caps, CLOT x Moleskine Chinese menu, A pair of CLOT & Disney 3-eyed Mickey, CLOT neckwrap scaf and CLOT money clip, all weighing less than 100 gram, hence the name!  To participate in this memorable celebration, Presentgrams items can be purchased through JUICE HK between December 9-31 2011, with the customer then providing the name and mobile number of the recipient upon purchase. JUICE staff will then call this special person on appointed date to come pick up their unique gift. And although small, each one will pack a punch of excitement for the season of giving!

小小意思,心意盈盈! JUICE今年不只為你準備了多份精選禮品,更化身為神秘聖誕老人,為你提供一份貼心服務,為在乎的人於這聖誕帶來無盡驚喜暖意!

Presentgrams ,英文的禮物 (Present) 加上用作量度重量的最小單位克 (Gram),故名思意曰為小禮物。所謂物輕情意重, 所以JUICE精心挑選了6件王牌產品為 Presentgrams 作招徠。買下禮物並留下收禮者的聯絡資料,JUICE Santa CLOT將親身傳報,通知對方你的節日心思!由129日至31,凡於JUICE Presentgram櫃台,購買任何專櫃精選之六種單品,即可享用此窩心服務,在佳節向親友摰愛聊表心意!

 CLOT JUICE 誠心祝大家聖誕及新年快樂!

Shop list
JUICE HK : 9-11 Cleveland Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Telephone : +852 2881 0173
JUICE HK :香港銅鑼灣加寧街9 -11號名店坊地下A
電話 +852 2881 0173


CLOT x DYNASTY Day & night Denim

Heavily inspired by the art of acupuncture, CLOT develops an innovative take on jeans, producing its Day & Night concept with denim label Dynasty. Manufactured in Japan, this top-of-the-line approach digs deep into the world of the ancient Eastern Chinese medical practice, used for the treatment of various ailments, while restoring balance in the human body's life force through the application of pressure and insertion of needles to specific points in the body. Working with this engaging theme, CLOT's Day & Night denim comes outfitted with a historical zipper brand Talon, which is widely used by labels such as LEVIS Strauss & Co BCBG Abercrombie & Fitch, etc; additionally, a special washed effect, accented by skeleton details in a UV gloss print, allowing the entire layout to come alive in the night and mask itself in the day! Working to emphasize the various effects brought forth between light and dark, these jeans add another crossover item to CLOT's ever-expanding range of conceptual denim productions, while maintaining a clear sense of originality. Produced in limited quantities, the CLOT Dynasty Day & Night Denim will be available for purchase on 9th December through JUICE retail stores. Key details include signature Dynasty pickaxe stitching on the back pockets, D-ring front loops, contrast stitching and dual branding.

Handshake 系列第八擊,CLOT x DYNASTY Day & Night Denim於這個月強勢出!DYNASTY 雖說是 CLOT 的丹寧支線,但至誕生以來,憑著過人的品質及創意,早已自成一格、獨當一面;這次破天荒與主牌合作,擦出驚人火花!由中國傳統針砭灸術啟發,Day & Night Denim 將人體脈絡、 骨盤骨骼以特製物料延伸於褲管之上,只在UV光源的照射下才會顯現出來。沿承 DYNASTY 一貫的精工,牛仔褲全線於日本製造,精巧至拉鏈此等細節均引用業界鼻祖廠牌。品牌 Talon 源自 1893 以精湛的工藝引領與時裝最完美的接合。同時也走在時尚的最尖端為諸多權威設計師以及國際著名品牌如 LEVIS Strauss & Co BCBG Abercrombie & Fitch 等提供高質量的拉鏈。Day & Night Denim隨著日夜的交替而變臉;白晝的獨特洗水紋理,在入黑後的華燈下,將悄悄換上夜光的骨骼經脈線條這個12月必不能錯過這 攝人心神的CLOT x DYNASTY Day & Night Denim!

Release Date : 09th December 2011
Retail Price : HK$ 3180
Shop list
JUICE HK : 9-11 Cleveland Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Telephone : +852 2881 0173
Online Store :

發售日期 : 2011129
售價 : HK$ 3180

JUICE HK :香港銅鑼灣加寧街9 -11號名店坊地下A
電話 +852 2881 0173

Online Store    :

Wednesday 30 November 2011

CLOT x Alienegra Mono-tone Camo Parka

Following several outstanding releases this season, CLOT's Handshake Collection continues its street smart style with a couple of new adaptations of the almighty Alienegra Camo Parka. An essential in CLOT's noble garment stable, this signature print carries the spirit of past releases with a new, crisp monotone version, catering to those looking for something that stands out yet remains classic and understated at the same time. Featured color options include a black-on-black edition and contrasting white-on-white release. Each pattern featured on the Alienegra Monotone Camo Parka comes split into three layers, being intricately applied with different printing techniques to provide for a unique, innovative look. Key highlights on these new winter pieces include tonal elbow patches, tonal drawstrings, removable face masks, ribbed front pockets and subtle CLOT branding, all of which add a distinct charm to the exclusive garments. 

Release Date : 02nd December 2011
Retail Price : 3280HK
Shop list
JUICE HK : 9-11 Cleveland Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Telephone : +852 2881 0173
JUICE SH :  No. 832 Ju Lu Road, Shanghai, PRC China 200040
Telephone : +86 21 3308 0888
JUICE TW : No. 38, Dun Hwa South Road, Section 1, Alley 161.Taipei, TW
Telephone : +8862-2275 3227
JUICE KL : Lot no. 46 & 46-1 Jalan Telawi 5, Bangsar Baru, 59100 Kuala Lumpur Telephone :  +03 2283 5811


  CLOT在街頭服領域的杰出表現當然不容置疑,秋冬系列Handshake在踏入11月以後一浪接一浪,來到聖誕月, 歷久彌新的王牌荊棘圖騰Alienegra迷彩終於施施登場。系列的七波強勢出擊 – CLOT x Alienegra Mono-tone Camo Parka回歸原點,採用了前所未見的 White on White Black on Black圖印, 加上多種材質和元素的搭配和應用,將經典推向極致。仿皮肘部補丁、絨面 Alienegra 迷彩圖案和可折卸的全綿 Terror Mask ,配以黑白色系和對比質料,在簡約低調的同時卻又進一步立體化Alienegra的獨特幾何美學。 CLOT x Alienegra Mono-tone Camo Parka 將於122日正式推出!萬勿錯過!

發售日期 : 2011122
售價 : 3280HK$

JUICE HK :香港銅鑼灣加寧街9 -11號名店坊地下A
電話 +852 2881 0173

JUICE TAIPEI :台北市敦化南路一段16138
電話 +8862 2751 3227

JUICE SHANGHAI :中國上海市靜安區巨鹿路832
電話 +86 21 3308 0888

JUICE Kuala Lumpur Lot no. 46 &46-1, Janlan Telawi 5 Bangsar Baru, 59100, Kuala Lumpur
電話 +03 2283 5811

 Online Store    :

Day & night...

Santa CLOT is coming to town !

Monday 14 November 2011

CLOT x Deluxe

The birth of skateboard had originated a brand new era call the street culture. Since then, this never-seen-before custom had developed into a distinctive form and flourished in all kinds of aspects, such as music, fashion, even literature and linguistics. For years, fashion has always been the most important part of such culture. Adored by hordes not only for its spontaneous highlights and styles, as well as the avant-garde colour usage and unique designs. Equipped with functionality and stability, its popularity grows rapidly though some may say it’s yet to be qualified to enter the hi-end fashion circle. In fact, street fashion has constantly improving and progressing ahead in terms of manufacturing technology and materials throughout years time already. It preserved the originality of the accent of street wear while applying more and better design and materials. Japanese label Deluxe Clothing, one of the most significant exemplar in hi-end Street wears brand that has won the title of “Street Tailor”. Notable for its high quality, tailor made skills and subtle design. Again, CLOT teams up with this street tailor for the sixth launch of our Handshake collection - CLOT x Deluxe Shawl Jacket & Sweat Pants. CLOT’s puckish creativity and Deluxe’s superior tailor skill brought to you this extraordinary custom made alike surprise. 

街頭文化始自世上第一塊滑板的誕生。從此相關的音樂、服裝、語彙蓬勃發展,成就了一股另類的新風潮 。多年來,時裝這一塊在眾多衍生潮流當中大行其道,其獨有的隨性即興作風、大膽創新的色彩、款式運用等, 型格、功能俱備,縱不時有當道者評曰難登大雅之堂 ,但其受歡迎度卻一直有增無減。其實近一個世紀以來,街頭服不斷改良進步, 在保存著故有特色之餘,也不斷精研更佳的物料、款式及製作方法,而來自日本的 Deluxe Clothing,可謂表表者其一。Deluxe 一向以質料、剪裁和設計而名聞業界,更贏得「街頭裁縫」的美譽。Handshake collection 的第六波正正找來了Deluxe合作無間的「街頭裁縫」, 推出 CLOT x Deluxe Shawl Jacket & Sweat PantsCLOT這個滿腦子鬼主意的潮流界「玩」童  加上 Deluxe 超群的工藝,絕對將帶來宛如度身訂造般的高質雅緻的驚喜。  

67, the number on CLOT founder Edison Chen’s team jersey in high school. 
67CLOT 主腦陳冠希先生中學時的籃球隊球衣號碼。 

Xiongda, "Brothers" in Putonhua pinyin, meaning CLOT and Deluxe's collaboration is sharing and demonstrating the insistence of innovation and quality like a family.  
Xiongdi,「兄弟」普通話的漢語拼音,寓意著 CLOT Deluxe 的聯名如同根般分享著對質量與創意的堅持。

Release Date 25th November 2011
Retail Price Shawl Collar Jacket  (2130HK$), Sweat Pants  (1400HK$)

售價:Shawl Collar Jacket  (2130HK$), Sweat Pants  (1400HK$)

Shop list
JUICE HK : 9-11 Cleveland Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 
Telephone : +852 2881 0173

JUICE SH :  No. 832 Ju Lu Road, Shanghai, PRC China 200040
Telephone : +86 21 3308 0888

JUICE TW : No. 38, Dun Hwa South Road, Section 1, Alley 161.Taipei, TW
Telephone : +8862-2275 3227

JUICE KL : Lot no. 46 & 46-1 Jalan Telawi 5, Bangsar Baru, 59100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone :  +03 2283 5811

JUICE HK :香港銅鑼灣加寧街9 -11號名店坊地下A
電話 +852 2881 0173

JUICE TAIPEI 台北市敦化南路一段16138
電話 +8862 2751 3227

JUICE SHANGHAI :中國上海市靜安區巨鹿路832
電話 +86 21 3308 0888

JUICE Kuala Lumpur Lot no. 46 &46-1, Janlan Telawi 5 Bangsar Baru, 59100, Kuala Lumpur
電話 +03 2283 5811

 Online Store    :